welcome to year 6!

Welcome to the Year 6 homepage! Myself, Mrs Abba, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Rothery would like to welcome the children back to school after the summer break. We have a very busy term ahead of us as the children begin their final year at St Bede's!

 Dates for your diary

  • Tuesday 24th September - Year 6 Worship Assembly
  • Friday 27th September - McMillan Coffee Morning
  • Monday 7th October - Stocks Wood Forest School
  • Tuesday 8th October - Eden Rock
  • Thursday 21st November - Theatre by the Lake
  • Friday 13th December - KS2 Christmas production 

PE will be on a Monday and a Thursday for this half term. Please can children bring PE kits to school on Mondays and leave them in school all week, before taking them home on a Friday.


Homework will be set every Friday, and the children will have a full week in which to complete their homework. This gives children enough time to speak to an adult at home or at school for support if required. We will keep in touch with you via Seesaw, email and text. You can contact us on Seesaw messages. Homework tasks will alternate between reading challenges, where children are given comprehension questions to answer based upon the book which they are reading, and maths homework. Maths homework will sometimes be assigned activities on mathletics, or will be printed on sheets for the children to complete. For additional practice, the children are advised to complete Mathletics activities to achieve their target of 1,000 points per week and read at home for 15 minutes per day to develop their reading fluency and comprehension.


Autumn curriculum.


In R.E. this term we will be learning about ‘The Kingdom of God’ and 'Justice'. When learning about ‘The Kingdom of God’, we will deepen our understanding of what a The Kingdom of God is, and learn that everyone is welcome in the Kingdom of God. We will do this by investigating a variety of parables and the miracles. We will discuss the values of the Kingdom of God and consider how we can apply these to our own lives.

When learning about 'Justice', we will delve into what justice and injustice means. We will also investigate key figures in the history of justice such as Martin Luther King and Oscar Romero. During this topic, the children will learn to develop their own opinions on individual topics, and practice expressing their views in a variety of ways.



Our literacy work is based upon the Oak National Academy scheme of work. This term, we will be reading stories featuring Sherlock Holmes and discussing life in Victorian London. This knowledge will be used to support writing tasks such as setting descriptions and persuasive letter writing. This children will practice using grammatical features such as fronted adverbials, and will exercise careful use of person and tense. Later in the term, we will engage with 'The Golden Compass', watching clips from the film to support narrative writing. We will practice grammatical features such as parenthesis to add extra detail to our writing.

We will carry out spelling activities numerous times per week based upon activities from the Year 6 Read Write Inc. spelling books.


Our numeracy lessons will follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. In Autumn term we will focus on place value and developing knowledge of numbers up to 10,000,000. The children will practice rounding, comparing and ordering numbers of this size, as well as working with negative numbers. We will then move on to basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Finally, we will develop our knowledge of fractions (simplifying, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).



Our science topics this term are ‘Electricity' and 'Light'. We will carry out various investigations, including examining how an output (volume, brightness etc.) changes based upon the voltage of cells used in the circuit. We will practice drawing diagrams of circuits, and the children will learn the correct symbols to use for each component of the circuit. The children will develop their ability to work systematically by changing one component within the circuit at a time, and observing/recording the impact which this has on the output.


Our history for Autumn term will focus on Ancient Greece. We examine who the Ancient Greeks were, as well as studying their beliefs and way of life. The children will also investigate what elements of life today were taken from Ancient Greece.

Our geography for Autumn term will focus on population. During this unit, children will seek to find patterns in population rises and discuss topics such as migration. Children will also investigate the impact of increased population on our environment.


During the first half-term of Autumn term Year 6 will have two P.E. lessons per week. On a Monday, Fraser Conn will return to the school to teach cricket. Fraser has taught cricket over many years and the children look forward to their sessons.. On a Thursday we will learn how to play dodgeball, and what skills or tactics are important. Please can children bring their P.E. kits in to school on a Monday and leave in school all week before taking home on a Friday.



During the Autumn term we will be thinking about Keeping Safe and Relationships. We will consider; staying safe online, understanding emotional needs, and begin to understand the word, ‘drugs’, the norms and risks, including the law around this term. 

Within our work around relationships, we will consider positive relationships and the meaning around, assertiveness and cooperation, and how these can affect our relationships with others. 

We will take part in Circle time, Relax Kids and use a new resource, called ‘Get Set for Life’. This will help us understand the importance and feelings behind our Wellbeing.


Art & Design

We will begin by exploring photography as a way to express ideas, and will investigate scale and composition, colour and techniques for adapting finished images. We will use digital media to design and create photographic imagery for a specific design brief.

If you have any questions about Year 6, please feel free to get in touch via Seesaw. Thank you!




Year 6 Yearly Overview










 The Kingdom of God





Exploring the Mass

Jesus, the Messiah


The Transforming Spirit


Called to Serve







Animals including humans

Animals including humans 

Living things and their habitats












Ancient Greece






Who should go on the banknote?




E- safety

Cross-curricular work (research, search engines and producing word documents)

E- safety

Cross-curricular work (research, search engines and producing word documents)

 E- safety

Cross-curricular work (research, search engines and producing word documents)



Photography (scale, composition) 



Drawing (Picasso, Kollwitz)




D & T






Textiles (stuffed toys)


Digital World 







Tri Golf


Running for fitness





Keeping safe and relationships


Real Love Rocks


 The Holocaust

The United Nations - peacekeeping 

 Sex education