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Who is who...

(photographs coming soon)

Daily timetables:



About the Foundation Stage...


The Early Years Foundation Stage is split into 7 areas of learning.

The 3 Prime areas are: communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development.

The 4 Specific areas are: literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.


Within our foundation stage unit we have many different areas to support and enhance children's learning. These have been created with our children's input and are set up weekly based on children's interests and next steps in learning. Some of our areas include; construction, craft, malleable area, sensory areas, home corner, sand, water, small world, paints, role play, den making materials, book nooks, physical apparatus, writing tools, mathematical resources, Ipads, curiosity stations. 

We consider our large outdoor area as a continuation of our classroom. Please ensure that in the colder months your child comes to school with a coat, hat and gloves with suitable footwear- we do go outside to learn in all weathers!


Take a look at our classroom...

(slideshow coming soon)

Our Curriculum...


Our curriculum has been created to encourage curiosity but also to allow flexibility to follow the needs and interests of the children and any child appropriate current affairs. It is led by open ended questions that enable adults to model but also inspire children to ask questions. The investigative nature of the topics promotes exploration of vocabulary through children’s natural inquisitiveness.  

EYFS Curriculum Intent

Our intent is to offer an exciting and broad curriculum, full of memorable experiences that will instil children with a real love of learning and lay the foundations for children’s future success within education. Our curriculum will provide children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to be confident, curious, and independent learners who are ready to succeed in an ever-changing world. It is our intent that all children develop physically, verbally, cognitively, and emotionally, and socially creating positive relationships with both staff and peers in an environment which values all cultures, communities and people.

We understand that play is an integral part of learning and this is at the heart of our early years curriculum along with quality interactions with staff and peers. We believe that the correct mix of adult directed, and uninterrupted child-initiated play, within a stimulating environment, ensures the best outcomes for pupils. We will personalise and tailor our curriculum with well-planned learning opportunities to ensure all children reach their full potential and be the best that they can be. The development of children’s spoken language, understanding of a wide range of vocabulary and reading underpins our whole curriculum. We intend for our children to take risks, be willing to try new things, persevere when faced with challenges and believe in themselves


Cultural Capital

In September 2019, the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework added the term 'Cultural Capital'.

In St Bede's early years we believe that Cultural Capital is about giving our children the best possible start to their early education and future success. 

Early Years staff have a wealth of experience which means high quality delivery of our intentions is possible and successful.

This includes;

  • forging strong relationships
  • working with other professionals,
  • working with parents and the wider community,
  • meeting children's needs, learning styles and interests,
  • understanding the individual and diverse ways that children develop and learn and
  • their knowledge and understanding in order to actively support and extend children’s learning in and across all seven areas of learning.

We communicate with parents face to face regularly, but 'Seesaw' our online learning journal helps us to seek shared experiences with parents/carers.

We will continually reflect on what we offer our young children to ensure that we remain focused in our ambition to give children the essential knowledge to be educated citizens and to open doors into worlds they didn't know existed.

Fundamental British Values

The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are already implicitly embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage. 

Here are some examples of how we approach these values.



  • Children are encouraged to know their views, value each other’s views and talk about their feelings for example during carpet times or when they are discussing stories.
  • Children’s views are listened to and participation is valued. When staff plan activities they include children’s interests and ideas.


Rule of Law

  • We encourage children with turn-taking, sharing and collaboration for example as they play with toys and take turns on bicycles and seesaws during outside play.
  • Expectations for children’s behaviour are appropriate to their age and children are encouraged to cooperate for example as they wash hands before eating a snack.
  • We encourage children to understand their own behaviour and actions and learn the difference between right and wrong. During circle times we talk about feelings and encourage children to develop a growing sense of being considerate to others.


Individual Liberty

  • The nursery is a place where all questions are valued and children are encouraged to develop enquiring minds. Staff praise children for their efforts and value their work for example as they display children’s individual achievements.
  • We encourage children to develop a positive sense of themselves for example by providing challenges such as carrying out ‘tricky’ jigsaws or having a go at some of the 'I wonder...' statements placed around the classroom to enhance learning.  We always praise children for ‘having a go.’


Mutual Respect and Tolerance

  • We have an inclusive nursery where diversity is celebrated. Children play with resources that reflect a broad society for example in the home corner. We also ensure that our books present positive images of gender, ethnicity, age, disability and cultures.
  • We actively celebrate differences by for example Chinese New Year and Diwali. We also celebrate special times in the Christian calendar such as Easter and Christmas.

Ways to support your child's development at home...

Making Playdough


  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 cup of salt
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 tbsp cream of tartar
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • Food colouring of desired choice.  

Great for communication and language skills, fine and gross motor development, modelling and using mathematical language, expressive arts and social and emotional development.



Use this link to access ideas on how to support the early stages of reading with your child at home...


In Nursery and Reception children are working towards or within the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme. Children who are not yet ready to access the scheme fully will access some Phase 1 phonics activities from Letters and Sounds to support them in developing their early phonics skills.

(Please see the reading section of the website for more information on Read, Write, Inc. Phonics)

In Phonics children learn the skills needed to read and write successfully and get the opportunity to apply their newly-learnt skills. At home please make sure children in Reception regularly look at their phonics sheets in their homework file and practise saying these sounds.

Also regularly look at their reading book, which is phonetic, not forgetting to look at the questions in the covers of the book too. 



Useful websites to use at home...


https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/speak-spell/sounds- Lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children to support learning of English

Early Years Maths - Topmarks Search


Games for kids and early years activities - CBeebies - BBC

Literacy Activities | Doorway Online