Welcome to Year Two 2024-2025


Welcome to Year Two's class page.

We hope you have had a lovely Summer and we look forward to welcoming you back on 4th September.


Key Dates:


Forest school - 15th october

D&T open afternoon- 18th October

Class worship assembly- 19th November

Swimming- 11th November- 22nd November


Here you will find class and curriculum information for the Autumn half term.

Please can your child bring to school: 

Reading folder

Drinks bottle – filled with water

Packed Lunch – if needed


Lining Up

Year Two line up each morning on the KS1 playground. We will come out to collect the children at 8.50am (unless they are attending Breakfast Club).

Your child can be collected at home-time from the same place at 3.15pm. 



Your child will have PE on Wednesday and Thursday this half term. Your child will require black shorts, a plain white, round neck t-shirt, jogging bottoms, a sweatshirt, trainers and a pair of socks. Please ensure that all clothing including uniform and PE kit is clearly marked with your child’s name. Can jewellery be removed on PE days and long hair tied back. We recommend that you send your child's kit in on Monday and we will send it home on Friday to be washed.

Year Two will also go swimming at The Sands Centre in Carlisle beginning on Monday 11th November. They will attend the swimming pool every day (Monday-Friday) for a two week intensive swimming block, finishing on Friday 22nd November. More information about swimming, including what the children will need to bring, will be sent out before half term. Please do not worry about swimming, particularly if your child has little experience in the water - the coaches are used to this and alongside us, will support them during their lessons. 



Homework is given out on Fridays and collected back in on Wednesdays. Your child will be given a reading book to bring home. Please, if possible, write a comment in the reading record. We also send a library book home for you to enjoy with your child. This book is for pleasure - we love hearing about the books that you have enjoyed at home so please let us know, on Seesaw or in your reading record, if you have read a particularly good one! Please make sure you return your library book each day in order for your child to select a new book each week.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pop in and see us.

Miss Green, Mrs Queen, Mrs McMillan, Miss Chalmers, and Mrs Todhunter.


 Autumn Term Curriculum Information



In R.E. this term we will be learning about Creation and Covenant, exploring the bible, God's promise to Noah and joining of the Christian family. We will study the stories of Noah's Ark. 


The children will develop their sentence work by planning their sentences before writing them and checking they make sense afterwards. They will begin to explore conjunctions such as and, but and because. The children will begin to learn about the different word and sentence types and learn spelling rules for plurals and the suffixes ing/ed whilst exploring the past and present tense. They will continue to develop punctuating their sentences with capital letters, full stops and begin to explore with other types of punctuation such as exclamation marks, inverted commas and commas. The children will focus on starting their sentences in different ways and attempt to section their work into paragraphs. The children will continue with daily phonics, spelling and reading sessions and will use the strategies taught in Read, Write Inc to support their spelling when writing and decoding in independent reading. In reading the children will develop their comprehension skills, answering questions directly from the text and giving their opinions and views to demonstrate understanding of what they are reading. The children will have daily story-time. 


Our Maths lessons will follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work.This term the children will learn about place value, shape and addition and subtraction. The children will learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They will practising adding and subtracting using their number bonds. We will also work on arithmetic skills each week to build fluency and confidence when working out answers mentally.


Animals Including Humans: The children will explore what animals and humans needs to survive and how they can care for animals. They will learn about the life cycle of animals and plants. The children will learn all about living a healthy lifestyle and why it is important. They will focus on exercise and a healthy diet.


 Hot and Cold Places

In this unit the children will: 

Identify hot and cold places and locate them on a map, recognise the features of hot and cold places, explore a hot or cold place, identify the animals that live in hot and cold places and recognise how they adapt.



How were schools different in the past?

In this unit the children will:

Find out about what schools were like in the past and how they have changed over time.  


Art and Design

Painting and mixed media: Life in colour

Develop knowledge of colour mixing, to know how texture can be created with paint, use paint to explore texture and pattern, compose a collage choosing and arranging materials for effect, evaluate and improve their artwork.


In Year Two we follow the Ten Ten, PSHE scheme of work. We will also take part in a whole school project of promoting Friendship and Safety in the autumn term.



During the Autumn term the children will be learning and participating in gymnastics, ball skills and swimming.

 Year 2 Yearly Plan