Physical Education
At St Bede's, we want all of our children to understand the importance of, and have an enjoyment in physical activity, as well as an appreciation of a healthy lifestyle which stays with them as they move forward in their lives. Through our curriculum provision, we ensure children are exposed to a wide range of sporting activities, including; net and wall games, invasion games, striking/fielding activities, dance types, gymnastics and outdoor related activities. When the opportunity arises, we also take part in different sporting events. We promote a healthy and active lifestyle within the community, encouraging parental (younger children) and children's participation in clubs and competitions. We also encourage the link between physical activity and personal well being, both in curriculum lessons and back in the classroom making links with PSHE and Relax Kids sessions.
At St Bede's, all children have two PE lessons (one hour) a week. Teachers follow the PE scheme, 'Cambridgeshire P.E', which promotes the teaching and learning of skills within a range of activities. Units for every class are identified on a curriculum map, ensuring the children cover a range of different activities and skills across the key stages. The PE scheme supports teacher's subject knowledge with structured lesson plans. Years two and six children (yr 6, Summer term), attend a weekly swimming lesson for an academic year, in a local swimming pool. Lessons are taught by a professional swimming coach and the children are assessed at least termly.
The delivery of PE, is supported by an external sports coach, who works with teachers and children on a rotational basis. We work alongside Carlisle United Community Coaches, to lead high quality PE lessons to children, whilst teachers are encouraged to benefit from them as CPD.
Opportunities for competitive sport, are organised through Lucy Lamb, the School Games Organiser for Carlisle. These enable a wide range of children to have the opportunity to take part. This should embed an enjoyment in competitive sport and give children the opportunity to demonstrate sporting skills outside of the school grounds. We also provide a sport focused after school club, and signpost children with particular talents to outside clubs. Most recently, making links with Carlisle Cricket Club.
To develop leadership and communication skills, children in years 5&6, can apply to become a Young Sports Leader, which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising playtime and lunchtime games.
We are looking at ways and opportunities for children to be physically active in the school day, outside of their PE lessons. Playground equipment encourages children to be active whilst they are outside. Online links are provided to support being physically active in the classroom, some of which are linked to curriculum subjects.
Through our approach to P.E, teachers are confident in the delivery of effective PE lessons, teaching the progression of skills within a unit and monitoring progress. A picture of the children's physical ability and progress will be built upon during each unit of work.
Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills, but through underpinning values and disciplines which PE promotes. Within lessons, children are taught about self discipline and that to be successful, you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health and fitness. Our impact is therefore to motivate children to utilise these underpinning skills, in an independent and effective way, in order to live happy and healthy lives.
Through our PE and sports provision, we aim for our children, to want to be active citizens and to participate in sport outside school, and to carry this into secondary school and beyond.
PE in Photos
Recommended Websites to help us get active in the classroom
BBC Super Sport Movers
Go Noodle
Cosmic Kids (Yoga)
Classroom PE Games
These websites have 10 minute energiser activities, which can pick children up when energy levels are dipping. They also encourage children to be physically active, outside of a PE lesson.
CUFC Community Coach-September 2020-July 2021
Carlisle United Community Sports Trust mission is: To inspire all participants to achieve their goals by delivering a quality innovative programme through the power of football and sport.
Our Aims
To promote Carlisle United Football Club throughout all its work and to encourage increased interest and support for the Club.
- To promote the work of the Carlisle United FC Community Sports Trust throughout the region and to establish activity programmes for the benefit of the local community.
- To promote and develop programmes aimed at healthier lifestyles for the local community.
- To provide and develop educational and learning opportunities for local people.
- To work in partnership with local groups, associations and organisations to help develop programmes of work and activities throughout the local area for the benefit of all.
- To promote equal opportunities for all and equality of access to all activities.
Carlisle United FC Community Sports Trust works very closely with local schools to offer a range of opportunities for young people to improve their health, social skills and physical literacy.
Our coaches and staff are highly motivated, with experience delivering a range of physical education sessions, sports and activities. Our coaches hold the appropriate qualifications, which allow them to lead a group of young people in any activity the school wishes delivered.
The following package will offer a comprehensive PE and School Sports Programme which will demonstrate the impact on PE teaching and learning as well as meeting the OFSTED Sports Premium expenditure criteria.
CUFC Community Coach-Yearly Overview
Children’s Yoga-Therapeutic Treehouse-Workshop sessions, Year 5&6, Autumn 1st Half Term, 2020.
Benefits of yoga and Mindfulness for children and young people.
We have invested in a class set of Yoga mats so that all children and staff can take part in Yoga sessions, with the class teacher leading or a recommended online yoga session being used. Therapeutic Treehouse teachers are invited into school to work with different age groups, at various times during the year.
As we see and hear how today’s children are living with anxiety, worry, stress, exam pressures, society and peer pressure and expectations, there is a growing body of evidence that Yoga and mindfulness can help children develop resilience to manage these pressures, and so we are turning to Yoga and Mindfulness and implementing these into our school day PE sessions, to help children to manage their lives better.
There are many benefits to Yoga, below are some of them.
- Physical: Yoga includes physical postures which help:
- Build and develop the Vestibular (movement and balance) and Proprioceptive (body awareness) systems
- Encourages midline crossing
- Builds a strong and flexible body
- Increases balance, body awareness and coordination
- Develops cores strength, essential for good posture and correct physical alignment
- Relaxes the body, helping to promote better sleep
- Improved posture: sitting at a desk for long periods can lead to pain and reduced breathing capacity.
- Yoga increases awareness of the body and teaches the muscles to align correctly.
- Yoga poses aimed at balance, stamina and flexibility can help strengthen muscles and connective tissues, to enable good posture. Good posture then increases cognitive performance
- Promotes thinking and memory
- Increases concentration, focus and attention span
- Increases imagination and creativity
Yoga and mindfulness offer psychological benefits for children. A growing body of research has already shown that yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behaviour, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children.
Photos to follow...
Wheelchair Basketball, visit from Nat Pattinson, to work with Key Stage Two-October 2020
PE and Sports Premium
Our objectives for spending the PE and Sports Premium funding are:
- To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of staff in the teaching of PE.
- To implement high quality PE sessions, delivered by outside agencies, for both pupil's development and staff CPD.
- To encourage participation in a wider range of sports activities, and to increase engagement.
- To engage all children in regular physical activity.
- To instill in children, a love of sport and an understanding of the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle.
- To keep up-to-date with new initiatives and introduce recommendations when beneficial to staff and pupils.
- To invest in equipment for updating, and introducing new sports and activities.
Sports Premium, current spreadsheet showing spending, as of 14th October, 2020
PE Funding Impact 2019-2020
Home Learning
Monday 18th May 2020 - Joy of Moving Home School Activity Booklet.
Academic Year 2019-2020
This year, we have invited our community coaches from Carlisle United football club, to work in school every Friday. They will deliver high quality curriculum PE, alongside our teachers to each key stage. The sessions are skill based, allowing the children to apply them to appropriate sports. A breakfast club, lunchtime club and an extra curricular club will also run during the day. These will alternate between the key stages. A curriculum map below shows an outline of delivery. A medium term plan for each half term is also available for information.
Look at some of the great work and fun we have been having with the Carlisle United Sports coaches.
All the classes enjoy the Judo taster sessions held at school.
As a result, many of the children have now signed up for the Judo club running at the church Parish Hall.
Here are some pictures of the different year groups taking part. Just look at the smiles!
Here are some of our sporting teams.
They all worked hard to compete in their events and always showed great sportsmanship.
Year 6, Year 5 and Reception have been developing their Yoga skills with support from Therapeutic Treehouse.
As you can see the children have been working really hard and have made great progress over the past few weeks.