St Bede's School Council

At St Bede’s RC Primary School pupils like to have their say. We want our students to learn to be active and democratic citizens and we do this in a number of ways. School Council provides our young people with a forum to discuss their opinions and thoughts. It allows students to have a voice that is proactive in promoting positive change within the school.

Often our Key Stage 2 reps meet and have an opportunity to voice their opinions and reflect upon half termly class council meetings and ideas put forward. Those views are taken into account and discussed.

Students that join the school council enjoy being part of the decision making process. It gives them a sense of responsibility and pride in their school.

School Council Reps (2024-2025)


Year 6- Chairperson- Evan

             Secretary- Kyle

             Vice-Chairperson- Myles

Year 5- Chairperson- Stefano

             Secretary- Logan

             Vice-Chairperson- Emily

Year 4- Chairperson- Milo

             Secretary- Charlie

             Vice-Chairperson- Charlie P

Year 3- Chairperson- Frankie

             Secretary- Ariana

         Vice- Chairperson- Maja

Why did you want to be part of St Bede's School Council?


"I want to improve and make the school better"- Kyle. 

"I want to help make money for charity"- Frankie

"I want to help the school and the environment."- Charlie

"I want to make sure everyone is safe and happy."- Ariana

"I want children in the school to feel safe and happy."-Milo

"I want to find ways to improve the school for a better future."- Myles.

"I have lots of ideas to share."- Maja

"I want to make the school healthier..."- Evan

Recycle Week 14th October-18th October 2024

School Council have worked together with local artist Sharon Mackay-Cooper to design an effective and impactful piece of art with recycling. We hope that our piece of art will help people understand the importance of recycling and why looking after our environment is crucial. 

Together the children came up with ideas for a whole school assembly focusing upon the 3 R’s; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Together we thought of ways we could ensure as a school we are actively thriving towards the 3 R’s.

Reduce- waste free lunches. Children were awarded with St Bede's Eco Warrior stickers for considering alternatives to single-use plastic.

Reuse- Whole school/home challenge- turn one piece of plastic into something useful. The most unique design from each class was awarded an environmentally friendly gift bag and goodies.

Recycle- We created a piece of art using recycled good and we have been looking closely at the recycling logo and finding it on many products. Year 5 were were awarded an extended break time for saving the most plastic from going into the general waste bin. Great effort! 



Sub Committee Teams

Health and Safety Inspectors:

Chosen for Autumn term:

Evan, Logan, Milo, Maja

We have discussed as a council the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. We thought creating an eye-catching display in school would be a great way to raise the importance of a healthy lifestyle and help share key messages from the Sugar Smart campaign. We are also aiming to have healthy eating workshops available for children and parents to attend- we will be getting in touch with Claire from Phunky Foods to support us. This Autumn term we are also planning to complete our first health and safety audit around school. Our findings will be discussed with Mrs Winter and our school caretaker. 


Findings of our health and safety audit...


E-Safety Monitors:

Chosen for Autumn term:

Myles, Emily, Charlie, Frankie


Internet Safety Day- 11th February 2025

Relaunch of E-safety boxes. 

Internet safety at St Bede's School.  Be Safe, Be Smart!

We have created some  'SMART' rules for keeping safe online. It is important that every child follows these rules to keep safe online.

  • S is for safety. Don’t give out your personal information to people/places you don’t know.  


  • M is for meet. Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be very dangerous. Always check with an adult you trust.


  • A is for accepting. Accepting emails, files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know can cause problems.


  • R is for reliable. Check information before you believe. Is the person and website telling you the truth?


  • T is for tell. Tell and adult if someone or something makes you feel worried or uncomfortable.


In our school we aim to relaunch the E-safety boxes in each Key Stage 2 class. The aim is for children to write down any concerns they have when online, or anything they have been exposed to that has made them feel uncomfortable. Our E-Safety reps will check these boxes often and report anything to Mrs.Winter.


Eco Warriors:

Chosen for Autumn term:

Kyle, Stefano, Charlie P, Ariana. 



Following on from our successful recycle week in school our eco warriors will aim to make decisions that will help our school become more environmentally aware and make steps to help tackle the global crisis that is climate change. 

Upcoming events: Anti-Bullying Week 11th-15th November 2024. Theme: Choose respect!

School council reps are posing the question: 'What things can we do that week to support Anti-Bullying week? to their class. After the class council meetings are held in each KS2 year group then the school council reps will feedback with ideas to share and discuss.