Year 3 Autumn Term Planning 2024

Welcome to Year 3. It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school and start our learning journey for the year. 

Please remember PE is on a Monday and Tuesday and PE kit should be in school for these days - this will change after half term (sorry). This should include outdoor PE kit (plain black joggers and trainers).


In English, we shall begin by writing about The BFG by Roald Dahl with a focus on narrative writing. We shall look at story staircases and use these to help us write the opening and build up of the story. We shall then look at the features of a non-chronological report with the help of Portia Spiders, who do like to jump! We shall look at poetry through the work of Joseph Coehlo before moving onto our seasonal writing inspired by the advert, The Man on the Moon, with a focus on character emotions and using adjectives to add depth to our writing. We shall begin looking at The Iron Man in preparation for our writing about him at the beginning of next term.

We also do whole class reading sessions to develop our understanding of books. We shall begin with the Traditional Chinese tale of Mulan which will focus on genre and legends. We shall then look at The Pebble in my Pocket which is a factual book that is linked to both our Science and Geography topics before beginning Swallow's Kiss.

The children will have a class reading book and a reading for pleasure book. The class reading book will be assigned by Accelerate Reader and when the children have finished a book they will do a short quiz. As their understanding grows so will their reading level. In class we promote reading for pleasure by having regular book talks to recommend what we are reading to our friends. We also have guided reading sessions so that each child is heard by an adult in class. For those with shorter reading books we ask that these are read at home at least 3 times to promote fluency in reading and comprehension skills. For those with chapter books these may only be read once if they take more than a week to read.

In Maths, we will begin by looking at number and place value, with numbers up to 1,000. the children will look at different ways of partitioning numbers in preparation for addition and subtraction where the children will work towards  dding and subtracting up to 3-digit numbers with an exchange. Before Christmas we shall begin multiplication and division with a reminder of our x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables before also learning the x4 and x8 tables. 

This will be supported by using Mathletics and your challenge is to earn  1000 points each week will earn you a Bronze certificate! Last year I saw children really developing their Maths knowledge by using Mathletics and hopefully the new challenge will help as the children can earn much more than Gold. Children will also use Times Table Rockstars to develop their recall of the times tables.

Children will continue to receive written homework with a focus on practicing their arithmetic skills. 

In Year 3 we have begun to look at the new Vine and Branches RE curriculum. We shall begin by looking at Creation and Covenant with a focus on not just the Creation story but also how we have been charged by God to look after our World. This will also look at the Laudato Si letter written by Pope Francis. After half-term we shall look at Prophecy and Promise looking at those who foretold Jesus coming in the Old Testament and how these prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament. the themes of Creation and Prophecy and Promise will be re-visited throughout the year, through different lenses including the Mass.

In Science this term we will begin by looking at Rocks, different types of rocks, their properties and how they are formed. Tis will build n the knowledge of materials that the children looked at in Year 2. This shall include a look at the work of Mary Anning and fossils. After half term we shall begin our exploration of Animals including humans which will include skeletons and muscles and how they are used for movement before looking at healthy eating and nutrition. This is a big topic and will continue after Christmas.

In Geography we shall learn about physical and human geography by considering the big question, Why do people live near volcanoes? We shall look at the layers of Earth before looking at how mountains and volcanoes are formed and what this means for the geography of an area.

After half term, in History we shall learn about the Stone Age, including the Bronze and Iron Ages and the children will get the opportunity to think like archeologists and explore some artifacts. 

In Art we shall be learning to see like an artist, using shading to bring shape to our drawings. We shall then move onto Prehistoric Painting, learning about famous cave painting and have a go at producing charcoal pictures. (Design and Technology will be in the Spring Term).

In Computing, we will look look at how computers connect both physically and over wi-fi. We shall begin by understanding what digital devices are - although new technology in our phones does seem to have replaced a lot of them such as digital cameras. We shall look at Stop Frame Animation and have a go at making our own short film. It is important that children are taught to stay safe on-line and we shall do this by using Project Evolve as well as our Ten:Ten PHSE lessons.

In our Ten:Ten lessons this term, we will learn the story of Jarius's daughter and how we are created and loved by God. We shall explore our relationships with other people and how they develop and what they mean to us.


In French we shall learn to say hello and ask people how they are feeling (and respond) before looking at animals and colours.


In PE we will be learning cricket and invasion game skills before moving to Gymnastics and netball skills. Children should have PE kit in school all week.


Mrs Dodds will be teaching music after half term with a focus on singing.